The Story Behind Our Name

The dictionary definition of 'Exeat' (pronounced 'eksiat') stems from an ancient Latin word denoting a permitted leave of absence from an institution or place of work.
For those familiar with English boarding schools it may have an altogether more emotive meaning. Highly anticipated ‘Exeat’ happened once a term and was your freedom pass out of school for an entire spoiling weekend. No house mistresses, no timetable, no Sunday mass (convent school girl over here!) and no archaic rules. This was a longed for opportunity to just ‘do you’.
During the spring and summer terms, Exeat weekends meant 'Tennis!' - my friends and I held court for entire lazy weekends, hitting balls under dreamy golden skies fuelled by ice cold cans of Diet Coke and hot gossip. We’d play in carefully curated ensembles of various shades of white – butter soft 70’s polo shirts sourced from Oxfam, mum’s vintage Slazenger tennis skirt with waist band double rolled (per our school kilts), plush elasticated sports socks a la Risky Business, shell toed three stripe trainers and hair twisted back with colourful bandanas. Think Andre Agassi meets Tupac.
As you might guess, this was peak 90's and it was against this cultural patch work my love for the game and appreciation of its enduring style was born. I hope you find as much joy, friendship and freedom playing in Exeat as we did.